
paddle. rand ( shape, dtype=None, name=None ) [源代码]

返回符合均匀分布的、范围在[0, 1)的 Tensor,形状为 shape,数据类型为 dtype


  • shape (list|tuple|Tensor) - 生成的随机 Tensor 的形状。如果 shape 是 list、tuple,则其中的元素可以是 int,或者是形状为[1]且数据类型为 int32、int64 的 Tensor。如果 shape 是 Tensor,则是数据类型为 int32、int64 的 1-D Tensor。

  • dtype (str|np.dtype,可选) - 输出 Tensor 的数据类型,支持 float32、float64。当该参数值为 None 时,输出 Tensor 的数据类型为 float32。默认值为 None。

  • name (str,可选) - 具体用法请参见 Name,一般无需设置,默认值为 None。


Tensor:符合均匀分布的范围为[0, 1)的随机 Tensor,形状为 shape,数据类型为 dtype


import paddle

# example 1: attr shape is a list which doesn't contain Tensor.
out1 = paddle.rand(shape=[2, 3])
# [[0.451152  , 0.55825245, 0.403311  ],  # random
#  [0.22550228, 0.22106001, 0.7877319 ]]  # random

# example 2: attr shape is a list which contains Tensor.
dim1 = paddle.to_tensor([2], 'int64')
dim2 = paddle.to_tensor([3], 'int32')
out2 = paddle.rand(shape=[dim1, dim2, 2])
# [[[0.8879919 , 0.25788337],  # random
#   [0.28826773, 0.9712097 ],  # random
#   [0.26438272, 0.01796806]],  # random
#  [[0.33633623, 0.28654453],  # random
#   [0.79109055, 0.7305809 ],  # random
#   [0.870881  , 0.2984597 ]]]  # random

# example 3: attr shape is a Tensor, the data type must be int64 or int32.
shape_tensor = paddle.to_tensor([2, 3])
out3 = paddle.rand(shape_tensor)
# [[0.22920267, 0.841956  , 0.05981819],  # random
#  [0.4836288 , 0.24573246, 0.7516129 ]]  # random
